Of all the sweet things in the HP neighborhood, the sweetest is Peter's Sweet Shop. It's right here on Clinton. Every day, Peter hand-makes chocolates while his wife mans (womans...) the counter. Even the little cards labeling the chocolates are hand-written. In my opinion, their best chocolates are the caramels, the butter-creams, and their specialty "sponge candy" (the inside is crunchy with little air bubbles). If you take a child in with you, there is a distinct possibility that they will leave with a complimentary chocolate-on-a-stick (and if you go in twice in one day, you can kiss your child's dinner-appetite goodbye, as we found out).
Are you looking for a gift for someone? Do you have an intense chocolate craving? Go to Peter's Sweet Shop! You will be very happy you did. (Photo credit: Peter's website, who borrowed it from the Democrat & Chronicle).
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